Late Update: Most transportation issues have been pushed off until next week. JFC ended up passing a motion with reduced cuts to the Stewardship fund compared to the Governor’s budget proposal. This may result in some money being saved for rails to trails. Also of note, Dane County’s ability to regulate Shorland Zoning was gutted.
Later Update: GOP UW-Omnibus Item 44 neuters UW Transportation Planning mandate:
Final update [8:36pm] : UW Omnibus passes along party line vote, Sen Darling Closes with “We’ll let you know next week when we’ll be back”
The latest Joint Committee on Finance memo calls for an executive session beginning at 10:00am (viewable on wisconsin eye) that will include several transportation-related items including:
Transportation Finance:
- A potential ban on using the transportation fund to pay for non-road projects (like bike lanes, paths, and sidewalks), yet to be formally introduced.
- Transportation Bond Summary and Pledge of Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Revenues for Payment of Revenue Bond Debt Service (Paper #631)
- Transportation Revenue Options (Paper #632) [ this could include a $25 sales tax on new bicycles ]
Local Transportation Aid:
- General Transportation Aids (Paper #640)
- Mass Transit Operating Assistance (Paper #641)
- Transit Safety Oversight Program (Paper #642)
- Elderly and Disabled Capital Assistance Program Modifications (Paper #643)
Local Transportation Assistance:
- Freight Rail Preservation Bonding (Paper #645)
Transportation Alternatives Program (Paper #647) [ Walker’s proposal calls for the elimination of all ($1 million) state funding ]
Harbor Assistance Program Bonding (Paper #648)
State Highway Program:
- Southeast Wisconsin Freeway Megaprojects (Paper #650)
- Major Highway Development Program (Paper #651) [ Federal funding for Highway 23 was recently struck down as a result of a court case challenging the traffic forecasting methodology documentation. Podcast here ]
- State Highway Rehabilitation Program (Paper #652)
- Major Interstate Bridge Construction (Paper #653)
- Construction Manager/General Contractor Pilot Program (Paper #654)
- Repeal of Statute Requiring Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities (Paper #655) [Complete Streets]
- Prohibiting the Use of State Moneys for Community Sensitive Solutions (Paper #656)
I will be monitoring the proceedings, posting updates, and answering questions on Twitter as @FLTranspoDesk under that hashtag #wiTranspo – come and join the discussion!
Note that meetings are often delayed until the early afternoon when items include the introduction of an un-published motion.