Mayor cracking down on quorum! (It’s about time.) Somehow tho, it always sounds like you’re being lectured . . .
Here’s info on how to sign up to be on a committee . . . if you’re from Ledell’s or Marsha’s districts though, good luck! Unless you a person of color.
Several committees are having difficulty making quorum as a result of excessive committee member absences. As you are aware, city committees are an integral part of our city government and your role as a committee member is very important. In order to run the city effectively, committee members need to attend their respective committee meetings.
Madison General Ordinance 33.01(8)(b) requires that, “The chair of each board, commission and committee…shall report to the Mayor and Common Council Office each instance in which a member is absent from three consecutive meetings or five (5) meetings out of twelve (12). “
If the reality is such, that you cannot regularly attend the meetings, please consider resigning since the lack of a quorum slows down the public process and is unfair to the other committee members.
Thank you for sharing your time, talents and abilities with the residents of Madison.
Paul R. Soglin