Um . . . How does this work?

A city committee is meeting today that was never created, never appointed by the mayor, never approved by the council, not in legistar or on the city committee list. Guess which one?!

James Madison Park Surplus Committee.

That’s right . . . that issue again. Sigh. They’re going to try again, but this time, its really messed up.

As far as I can tell, the new committee was never appointed by the Mayor or approved by the Council.
This is from last time we appointed a committee.

It’s not listed on the committee page.

Therefore, we don’t even know who is on the committee.

But, they appear to be meeting today!

Seriously, how’d they screw this up, or what crazy reasoning are they using to justify it?

For background, here’s a few links to a few posts on the crazy history, there’s more if you want to search around on the blog.
Bridget Maniaci tells neighbors that Mayor will appoint a committee.
November 2008 – Sell houses, not the land.
Testimony, June 2008
Last time we were rushed to make a decision.
Mayor won’t appoint committee.
Information from 2006.


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