Um, What’s Going on with the Library? Alders want to know!

Many people have asked me to try to hunt this down. Problem is, its being done behind the scenes, deep behind the scenes, so much so that the alders are asking to be given a briefing on what is going on, and of course, were denied.

Here’s what I can tell you and what I was able to hunt down.

From: Rummel, Marsha
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 6:00 PM
To: Eagon, Bryon; Bruer, Tim; Bidar-Sielaff, Shiva; Schumacher, Michael; Schmidt, Chris; Clear, Mark; Compton, Judy
Cc: Veldran, Lisa
Subject: Central Library article in the Daily Reporter


I requested that CCOC get an update last month but the meeting was cancelled. I don’t appreciate learning the details of the negotiations with Fiore in the Daily Reporter. I assume we will get a full report next week.

Followed up by this:

From: Bidar-Sielaff, Shiva
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 11:09 PM
To: Rummel, Marsha; Bruer, Tim
Subject: RE: Central Library article in the Daily Reporter

Dear Alder Bruer,

I agree with Alder Rummel that we need an update on this project at CCOC next week. Thanks,

I agree with Alder R
Shiva Bidar-Sielaff
District 5 Alder
(608) 220-6986

And Bruer finally followed up on Monday with this . . . which I think was disingenuous at best.

From: Bruer, Tim
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 8:16 AM
To: Bidar-Sielaff, Shiva; Rummel, Marsha; Eagon, Bryon; Schmidt, Chris; Compton, Judy; Schumacher, Michael; Clear, Mark
Cc: Cieslewicz, Dave; Piraino, Janet; Harmon, Ray;; Brasser, Dean; Dimick, Barb
Subject: Re: Central Library article in the Daily Reporter possible agenda item for ccoc


While it is reasonable to wait until we have something more definite to present on the latest developments regarding the downtown library, I think with the growing interests by Council members on CCOC and BOE in having an update regarding the status of the project it may be warranted now – especially with the recent media stories out there.

If possible we should have the mayor’s office, other city staff and library board leadership provide us with an update as early as Tuesday 3/2/10 at the CCOC meeting, if possible, otherwise we could set up a special meeting time if necessary in the near future.

Please advise me by late morning by contacting Lisa Veldran of the Council office of your ability to be available and ready for a CCOC briefing so I can schedule it for the upcoming Tuesday CCOC meeting (if possible).

Thanks for your support and immediate attention.

Ald. Timothy Bruer
Council President

They amended the agenda late Monday afternoon, but not for the library:

From: Veldran, Lisa
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 3:38 PM
Cc: Cieslewicz, Dave; Piraino, Janet; Plant, Joel; May, Michael; Brasser, Dean; Nunez, Lucia; Wick, Cindy
Subject: Amended CCOC Agenda: 3/2/10

Please find attached an AMENDED CCOC agenda for the meeting on March 2, 2010 at 4:30 p.m. in Room 108, CCB:

1. Noted that possible quorums of the Affirmative Action Commission, EOC and Commission People with Disabilities may exist at the meeting.

2. Noted the Affirmative Action Commission recommendation and vote under Agenda Item # 3 (Legislative File No. 16909)

Lisa Veldran, Administrative Assistant
Madison Common Council Office

So, the discussion at the end of the Common Council Organizational Committee was of interest:
Marsha Rummel asks about when they will find out about the library.

Tim Bruer says that there is a memo coming out responding to the mounting interest. He says he asked for a briefing, the city attorney’s office [eyeroll] says they are in negotiations and they need two more weeks and that will give them a drop dead deadline. They will brief the council in closed session at Board of Estimates. He says there is no new information, but he does say that the questions are being raised legitimately, they need a status update, he says the city attorney says this is a legal issue that is inappropriate at this time but in the next two weeks they can present something to council.[The City Attorney has conveniently left the room.]

Rummel says that they approved the project, why are there negoatiations and what needs to be considered in closed session? Is it different now? She thought they were building a library and now they have to wait two weeks to find out what is going on?

Bruer says that there are a list of terms and conditions that need to be settled, leadership has made a strong and aggressive case to have the council be advised.

Rummel says this is the second month in a row she requested this.

Bruer says he is aware, that is why they will deal with it in two weeks.

Rummel asks if there is going to be a special meeting of the CCOC.

Bruer says that it might be in front of Board of Estimates. He says leadership shares the frustration.

Rummel says that she is going on her own search for information if she can’t get it from the City. She has information that she has not shared, but she might at this point, we’ll see.

Schumacher agrees with that the library was pushed hard and now they are finding out in the newpapers what is going on and that is very inappropriate.

Bruer [perhaps sensing that he is about to get mobbed and that they aren’t giving up about getting this on the agenda for their next meeting] says this is not on the agenda.

Rummel and Schumacher say they are requesting it to be on the agenda. They are commenting on that request.

Lots of heads are nodding that they want an update and it is inappropriate to be reading about it in the paper and for them to be left in the dark.

With that, they adjourn, walk upstairs for the council meeting and this is on their desks. It’s a memo from the city attorney saying that he hears alders are requesting a briefing and he says “I strongly recommend against that at this time.” You can read the rest as he says that the negotiations are delicate and to discuss it might upset the applecart.

Well, that’s where we are at, and I think its unfortunate, because in the least they could be discussing any and all of the following:
– What is the benefit to the city to doing it as a public works projecgt or as the condo project?
– What would it mean for the process since they put out an RFP for a condo?
– What does this do to the timeline and costs since they are doing this in the down economy so labor will be cheaper, how long will this delay and what will it cost?
– Can they reconsider the rehab at this time since some voted for the library because of the cheap labor?
– How far behind schedule are they at this point, and what would the timeline be going forward under different scenarios?
– What further approvals will be needed by the council?

I’m sure there are more, but that’s some of the basics. But it sounds like they are trying to wait until there is a done deal, then they will tell the council what that deal is and the council will have little choice or input into the matter. Do you feel like your voice, through your elected official (alders), has been, once again, taken away? You should.

Depending upon what I hear today, I may have more on this tomorrow.


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