Volunteer to help Tenants (and Landlords) in need!

Tenant Resource Center is looking for volunteers!

So, the non-profit roller coaster is in a down swing here at Tenant Resource Center. We need some volunteers to help fill in because we have and will have less staff due to the flat funding from our local government sources, the Republican take over at the state (virtually ensuring we won’t have any funding from them) and HUD didn’t find us a priority again this year. So, if you’ve ever thought about volunteering to be a housing counselor at the Tenant Resource Center, now is the time!

The Tenant Resource Center provides information and resources to tenants, landlords, and other agencies seeking advice for rental situations. The TRC depends on the help of volunteers. As a volunteer Housing Counselor, you would be trained in housing law and then interact with our clients in person and over the phone to answer their questions. The typical volunteer commitment is 3 to 5 hours per week, between the hours of 9:00 and 6:00, Monday through Friday. Great for law students, social work students, political science and urban planning students looking for non-profit experience; retired folks from a variety of professional backgrounds and workers with flexible schedules, but everyone is welcome. Housing counseling is a unique volunteering experience-far from humdrum envelope stuffing; you get the opportunity to interact with our clients in a much needed and meaningful way.

And the best part is, no experience necessary. We will train you, provide you with extensive materials and hey, even feed you lunch at the training!

The next Housing Counselor training session is set for Saturday, February 12, 2011 at 1202 Williamson St. The training would start at 9 a.m. and conclude around 5 p.m.
Please contact us at 257-0143 or office@tenantresourcecenter.org and talk to Erika if you are interested in attending the training session. (257-0006 to talk to a housing counselor, please!) If you can’t make that date, let us know, we may schedule a second training session soon.


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