Seems like I shouldn’t have to remind anyone reading this blog . . . but for the record . . . .
If you’re wondering what I care about on the is ballot . . . here goes.
Vote Green. Vote Green often. It felt particularly good to vote for Rae Vogeler, I really admire her efforts in this race. If you fear being a spoiler (which I stopped doing a long time ago and is a blog onto itself), stop believing the hype and start trying to fix the system by fighting to have instant runoff voting. Third parties are needed now more than ever, send a message.
Oh, but (there’s always a but. . . ) I’m always happy to vote for Tammy.
Amending the constitution to define marriage as one man and one woman: No
Advisory death penalty question: No
ATC power line study: Yes
Schools: Yes
I had forgotten about the health care question. Seemed like a no-brainer.
Wish I could have voted for paid sick leave and the Dane County referendum on the war, but those didn’t make it to the ballot for fear of confusing the voters with a “yes” vote. (Yet another blog topic!)
I was voter number 121 around 8:00 which is about 4 times as many people as usually are at my polling place. Hopefully this trend continues today and is similar where you vote. Keep the poll workers busy; it is good for democracy . . . VOTE!!!! Even if you don’t agree with me, go vote. Don’t forget. Don’t delay. Really . . . back away from the keyboard and go vote now.