Wanna buy a house in a park?

We got three and they’re about to be up for grabs! In yet another abnormal process. Seems as tho abnormal is now the normal.

Another messed up process (you should really read that link, its precious) item in front of Plan Commission tonight. This time, this is the committee the mayor never got approved through the council. He just appointed a committee to come up with the RFPs to sell the houses because the last time he tried, he didn’t get what he wanted. This time, he made sure that his staff (Ray Harmon) and Parks Department Superintendent Kevin Briski were on the committee, plus his yes-man Mark Clear and David Wallner who is on the Mayor’s side, so he got what he wanted.

The issue to keep your eye on now is this . . . before their last meeting of the committee, I overhead Alder Maniaci explaining to a neighbor that the points assigned to this item could be 0 if they leave the house in place but the scorer doesn’t want it left in place (see page 9).

20 A proposal that keeps the structure in its current location

The neighbor attempted to explain that the 20 points had to be awarded if the structure is left in place. Maniaci continued to insist that if, say, Ray Harmon was scoring the proposal, he could put 0 cuz he wants the houses to be moved. Seriously, who told her that? And why does she believe it?

I can hardly wait to see how that turns out. I’ll have to make sure I do an open records request for the scores when this is all over, especially if those houses end up getting moved, which we all know is what the Mayor wants.

If you’re concerned about the houses, you might want to take a look at the item before the plan commission tonight.


  1. What the mayor wants is not necessarily what the mayor’s going to get. After all, how many times has he gone back to the well when the committee has not come up with the result he wanted? This committee of shills (including David Wallner, who ought to be ashamed of himself for participating) may go along with the mayor, but that will not be the end of the story. There IS an election coming up, boys & girls.


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