Wednesday & Thursday Morning Not in the News Round Up

This got long, so I made it a separate post, the rest is on its way.


Tonight, Paul Soglin the speaker.

Capitol Neighborhoods Annual Meeting: Thursday, June 23 at 7:00pm at Monona Terrace. The meeting is open to all who are interested.

The Guest speaker will be Mayor Paul Soglin, and the business meeting will include election of district representatives to the Executive Council.

Chicken time!

TLNA will again be sponsoring a walking tour of chicken coops in the Tenney- Lapham neighborhood.

Saturday, June 25
1:00-4:00 p.m.

Maps for this free self-guided tour will be available at the first stop: 917 E. Dayton Street. Held rain or shine (Chickens dont mind rain and you shouldnt either!) Questions? Contact Bob Shaw at 255-3486


Soccer at Breese Stevens – Saturday at 7 p.m.
Sat, 25-Jun-2011, 7:00 pm
Madison 56ers vs. St Paul Twin Stars

Among other things . . .

The motion (exempting animal researchers from Wisconsin state anti-cruelty laws) that the UW slipped into the Governor’s Budget Bill was still included when it passed, in spite of all the calls legislators received. Please call Gov Walker’s office (266-1212) as soon as possible and ask him to veto Sections 3539g, 3539m, and 3539s from the 2011 Assembly Bill before he signs the Bill. The Wisconsin State Journal’s Sunday editorial felt this exemption to animal researchers was “something that deserves more time, scrutiny and public input”. Please check out Wisconsin State Senator Tim Carpenter’s hand delivered letter to the Governor, other letters to the editor, and other posts on both of these links: and But please call Gov Walker to veto the above sections. Thank you!


Enjoy Afro/Cuban Jazz and World Music by The Bar at Olbrich Botanical Gardens next Tuesday!

Olbrich Garden’s summer concert series takes place every Tuesday at 7 pm through July in the Great Circle. It is the only time that picnics are allowed within the Gardens – pack a lawn chair or blanket, a picnic basket or……purchase hotdogs and brats from the Madison East Kiwanis brat wagon (weather permitting). The Gardens are located at 3330 Atwood Avenue.

A $1 donation is suggested. In case of rain, the concert will be held indoors in the Evjue Commons. Olbrich Gardens Summer Concerts series is sponsored by the Olbrich Botanical Society.


Please join the Madison Infoshop and Madison’s radical community for an evening of discussion about the proposed Penokee Mine in northern Wisconsin. Governor Walker’s attack on Wisconsin does not end with collective bargaining, education, and health care — it extends to our environment as well. One of the largest assaults on Wisconsin’s ecosystem may come from mining deregulation and the proposed mine in the Lake Superior Bad River watershed. During our discussion, we’ll cover the basics of the planned mining proposal, where the legislative process is at, and what we can do to support the struggle against the mine.

Thursday, June 23rd, 7:00pm
180 Science Hall (N. Park Street) at the University of Wisconsin – Madison

Call 262-9036 or email Sarah at with questions, or if you know of an important speaker to include in the discussion.


EVENT: The Wasteland Art – Reception and Potluck
DATE: Thursday, June 30th at 5:30 – 9pm
PLACE: EVP Coffee 1250 East Washington Ave

Media contact: Wendy Schneider / btype35[at] / 608-239-5771
Stills: Facebook page: Boombox The Wasteland
Event Facebook page:

Please come and hang out on the patio at EVP on East Wash, Thursday, June 30th at 5:30.
Bring wine, beer and a dish to share.

Supplies will be available for creating more murals and paintings – or bring your own.

The Wasteland Art was created on June 5th at Boombox The Wasteland.
It was installed briefly at the Garver Feed Mill on June 12th and on June 16th the collection found a temporary home at EVP.

The wasteland-themed/gypsy collection is highlighting underused property and bringing attention to the need for arts incubator space in the city, encouraging people to create and contribute at each new location.

The current show will draw attention to the East Washington Corridor.

Next location: Undisclosed wasteland
Donations for this and future Wasteland Art events accepted!

June 5th – Installation #1: Murals and paintings created at Boombox The Wasteland, Union Corners
June 12th – Guerilla Installation #2: Garver Feed Mill
June 16th – Installation #3: EVP Coffee 1250 East Washington Ave


Butterfly Walk in Cherokee Marsh
Saturday, June 25, 10:00 am ­ noon

See butterflies, dragonflies, and other interesting small creatures in Cherokee Marsh on a guided tour with conservation biologist and grasshopper expert Kathy Kirk.

A few pairs of binoculars will be available for lending but bring your own if you have them. Wear long pants and a hat for sun protection.

This is a joint trip with the Southern Wisconsin Butterfly Association, Madison Audubon, and the Friends of Cherokee Marsh.
Everyone welcome.

Meet at Cherokee Marsh Conservation Park North Unit, 6098 N. Sherman Ave. Head north on N. Sherman Ave. to the main parking lot at the end of the gravel road.


Students in the legal studies program at Globe University here in Madison investigated Madison-Kipp Corporation’s noise, air, soil, and groundwater pollution of Madison’s east side neighborhoods. They have written an on-line petition asking for DNR to clean up Kipp, and are asking people to read and sign their petition.

I am the Program Chair for Legal Studies at Globe University – Madison East, and this quarter, my students became aware of and decided to take action on a local problem in the city of Madison. Specifically, the students have been investigating the allegations of noise, air, soil, and groundwater pollution caused by the Madison-Kipp Corporation (MKC) plants on Atwood Avenue and Waubesa Street in Madison. The students canvassed the area with a list of questions for residents and business owners, and we then attended the Schenck Atwood Starkweather Yahara Neighborhood Association meeting, which was open to the public, and at which two representatives from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) made presentations on the MKC situation. The people who attended that meeting had many questions, which were frankly left unanswered by the DNR.

My students and I are concerned about the problems that MKC has caused, and about what little effort has been made thus far by the DNR to control the situation and prevent further damage to the neighborhood. Therefore, we have written the following letter (which will also be posted online as a petition), in an attempt to bring this matter to your attention.


Representative Donald Pridemore’s long anticipated anti-immigrant bill was assigned a bill number, AB 173, and a committee, Homeland Security and State Affairs (

If passed, AB 173, would force local law enforcement to ask those stopped for civil or criminal violations for proof of citizenship or legal Immigration status.

If the person fails to provide any such identification, they can be detained for up to 48 hours until they provide proof that they are in the country legally.

In practice, the bill would encourage law enforcement officers to engage in racial profiling against people of color and immigrants, regardless of immigration status. It also criminalizes immigrant communities by turning a civil violation into a criminal violation and undermining the supremacy of the federal government in the creation and enforcement of immigration laws.

Thanks to EINPC

East Side Water Supply Learning and Listening Event
June 27 and June 30

Monday, June 27, 2011 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Madison East High School (2222 East Washington Avenue)
Thursday, June 30, 2011 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Warner Park Community Recreation Center

1625 Northport Drive (Child Care Provided)

~ The information will be the same on both nights ~
~ Panel discussions at 4:45 and 6:30 each night ~
~ Open house format – come and go as you please ~

East Side Water Supply project – The Madison Water Utility (MWU) and Citizen Advisory Panel (CAP) members invite you to attend a Listening and Learning Event to learn about the East Side Water Supply (ESWS) project and share with us your ideas for ensuring that the east side has safe, reliable and sufficient water. The meeting will be an open house, so stop by whenever you have time and stay as long as you’d like. (details regarding meeting times and locations on back page).

The overall objective of this study is to develop specific plans, projects, budgets and implementation schedules, that will support the continued supply of safe drinking water on Madison’s east side in an economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable manner.

The study area ranges from the Yahara River on the west to I -90 on the east, to Northport Drive and East Towne on the north to Buckeye Road on the south.

Topics we’ll discuss include:
• ESWS Project: What is the East Side Water Supply project doing to answer your desire for a fully reliable water supply that is safe and clean? What are potential financial impacts?
• Water Quality: How might the MWU best meet expectations for water quality on Madison’s east side?
• Supply and Demand: How might the MWU best meet projected demand for water on the east side over the next 20 years ?
• Conservation: How might the MWU and east side residents address the need for water conservation?

Anticipated project schedule:
• 2012 – Well 15 Treatment
• 2013 – Well 8 Treatment
• 2014 – Well 7 Treatment
• 2015 – Well 3 Replacement

Wow, well 3 replacement, I wonder where they will put it on the isthmus, last I saw, there was about one spot it would work.


Happy Summer to all! Just a friendly reminder that there are many FREE summer programs and events at the the Madison Public Library.

Teen Reads
An online Summer Reading program in which teens have a chance to win books, Overture tickets, college scholarships, and may even win the chance to hang with Mayor Soglin as “Mayor-For-A-Day”!

Video Game Tournament (Super Smash Brothers: BRAWL on the Nintendo Wii)
Teens have the chance to play in a qualifying tournament round at a different Madison library each week. The top three players from each qualifying round will compete in the championship at the Goodman Community Center on Wednesday, August 3, at 5:30 p.m.

Teen’s Choice Awards
Ten preselected books for teens to read and vote for their favorite of the summer. Join the conversation!

Other Events & Classes
Check out the offerings on your side of town. If you plan to bring a group to an event, it’s always nice to give the library a heads-up.


The Community Immigration Law Center will be open to the public for free immigration consultations this Friday, June 8 from 2 to 5 PM. We are open to the public every second and fourth Friday afternoon of the month. It’s a Free service. No appointment needed. First come, first served.

This free service is offered by top immigration lawyers who want to give back to their community. Please take advantage of this important resource in our community. Your confidentiality is our priority. If you have an immigration question/issue please do not hold it back. Instead seek advice and help. Similarly if you know anyone who has immigration questions/issues, please encourage them to seek help from immigration specialists. We have trained Spanish interpreters.

Consultations at CILC are FREE!

The location is: Christ Presbyterian Church, 944 East Gorham Street, Madison, WI 53703. Accessible by bus # 2, 5, 9, 27, & 28.

If you have questions, please contact Jean-Rene at 608 257 4845


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