Do-over: Weekly BK News Round Up

Now, with audio, photos and more video! I don’t always have time to blog everything, or sometimes its not worthy of a whole blog post, so here is the week in summary.

Mayoral Forum
This was the most contentious one so far. There were mic problems in the beginning and it was interrupted by former Alder Dorothy Borchardt at one point.

At the end of the event, I talked to several people. The first person said, “I don’t want to vote for any of them”. A second person said “Is this the best Madison has to offer” Those standing around that were supporting one of the candidates, were lukewarm at best.







I (finally) posted all three debates here.

The Damn City-County Building Chairs and the War on the Homeless
And one man’s random act of kindness.

It was just 2.5 hours before he was called and informed that his gift was not be accepted. Within 6 hours the chairs were apparently gone. Ed’s attempts to discuss this in person, twice, were not successful. He left his card so they could contact him and he hasn’t yet been contacted.




Economic Development Commission
This is the 3rd meeting to work on the Economic Development plan. I have (sort of) attended all three. They are struggling to deal with issues around poverty and sorta just skipped over it in some regards.

Here’s the first meeting. I never finished blogging it.

February 3rd meeting
Temporarily misplaced! What the heck did I name it?

February 10th meeting

They meet again on Thursday

Public Safety Review Committee
I was real curious what the agenda item “Draft Nuisance Ordinance – Asst. City Attorney Zilavy” was. I asked for it, it was sent to me But it still doesn’t appear in legistar. This is the explanation I got.

Hi Brenda,
Here is what was handed out last night. It is a very preliminary draft amendment—has not been entered in legistar yet because I anticipate changes. There will definitely be opportunity for informed public comment if and when it gets introduced.

I guess the public doesn’t need to know? I don’t know how people can show up and testify on something not made available to them, even if its handed out, its hard to comment when you’re not given time to think about it. Often by the time things get “worked out” its too late to meaningfully participate in the conversation.

Koval Listening Session
So, I hear . . . the format has changed from the first one. First of all, there is a facilitator so the Chief isn’t so much in control of the meeting. Also, people are limited to 2 minutes “vent” at the chief and/or ask a question. I didn’t make the Tuesday )East) or Wednesday (West – Sequoya Library)night one. Three more next week. Probably the most interesting ones.

West District
Monday, February 16, 2015
Good Shepherd Church: 5701 Raymond Road

North District
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
North District: 2033 Londonderry Drive

South District
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Catholic Multicultural Center: 1862 Beld Street

Urban Design Commission
Two items of interest here. The Hub II which appeared on the agenda was taken off because the application was incomplete.

Second item was the Downtown Plan. It is explained here what will be happening next as far as planning. Sorry, didn’t have time to blog.

Transit and Parking Commission
Two items of interest here.

The Uber/Lyft issue is coming to a close at one of the most important committees. They had to delay because they needed . . . wait for it . . . more information about how insurance works. Sounds a lot like the Enbridge/Line 61 issue. The mayor was ON FIRE on this issue. That Mayor I love! (for today, tomorrow it will be different again)

I have the audio from all the testimony, worth listening to for the commissioners questions to the speakers and the truly bizarre “I’m not a lobbyist” issue, again, much like the “we’re not a cab company” argument. I guess rules just don’t apply to them. Will post here when I find what I did with it!

Then there was the committee discussion.

The Jenifer St. bus stops was the other item of interest. Given that the neighbors, businesses, neighborhood association, alder and 100% of the speakers were all against the removal of bus stops, it didn’t take long for the commission to reject the staff proposal, but they may change sides of the street.

Dane County Affordable Housing Fund Hearing
About 8 people testified. It is clear the group is looking for shovel ready projects, and not so interested in the policy. I testified on behalf of the Homeless Services Consortium. That testimony is on my computer at work and I’ll post that when I get to work. There is another listening session coming up next week. February 18, 2015 in Room 354 of the CCB starting at 1:30 p.m.

Mayor’s Race
Looks like Resnick and Soglin have commercials on the air. Maniaci’s campaign fundraising seems to be tanking. I was in a room of people yesterday and asked if people were going to vote, 1 out of 5 said yes, wondering what kind of turn out we’re going to have.

Progressive Dane answers from the mayoral candidates are here. Reading through them, the only person I can support is the mayor, he seems to be the only one qualified for and competent to do the job.

Parisi has a spine!
Well, at least he does when he’s taking on Scott Walker, because that’s a pretty safe thing to do. He says that drug testing people who get state benefits or unemployment is a waste of money, threatens to sue, then backs off. Mayor jumps on board.

In honor of the upcoming weekend . . . .


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