What a Goofy Press Release

“Click it or Ticket” is about what? This is just a random observation this morning.

Seat belts right? So you’d think they would quote some statistics about how seat belts save lives or how to buckle kids in correctly or caution you that they’ll be planning to pull over people for seat belt only infractions . . . I’m guessing they are getting a grant to do this, but it seems they want to do anything but . . .

“Click It Or Ticket” Campaign

Starts Tuesday

Beginning Tuesday, May 24, and continuing through Monday, June 6, the Madison Police Department will be participating in the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration sponsored “Click It Or Ticket” campaign.

Additional Madison police officers will be on patrol throughout this time frame, with the objective of detecting and apprehending motor vehicle operators who are committing traffic violations and/or who are not wearing their safety belts. State law now allows law enforcement to stop a vehicle when the driver or passengers are observed not wearing a safety belt.

The Madison Police Department is committed to improving traffic safety in our community by increasing compliance with traffic laws through education and enforcement. Although law enforcement efforts are an important part of public safety, we rely heavily on the cooperation of the public to be aware of and to follow all traffic laws, whether as a pedestrian, bicyclist or motorist.

The Madison Police Department supports the “Zero In Wisconsin” campaign and believes that we all can make a difference. Please remember to “buckle up”, observe posted speed limits, and drive safely. The Madison Police Department also reminds motorists that state law requires that vehicles yield right-of-way to pedestrians in crosswalks. Remember – don’t drink and drive!

Their objective “detecting and apprehending motor vehicle operators who are committing traffic violations and/or who are not wearing their safety belts.” It’s like the seatbelts are an afterthought.

It’s also as if they can’t be bothered to stop people for traffic violations, so they count on the public to just police themselves. You know, just obey the laws so we don’t have to do anything – seems to be their attitude “Although law enforcement efforts are an important part of public safety, we rely heavily on the cooperation of the public to be aware of and to follow all traffic laws, whether as a pedestrian, bicyclist or motorist.” They rely heavily on the public just obeying the laws.

It’s interesting in this press release they also get in issues of pedestrians, bicyclists, speeding and drinking and driving. It’s like they forgot what the press release was supposed to be about.

Now, I’m not really complaining that they don’t want to pull us over and give us tickets for dumb driving, but there’s just sooooo much of it out there, it seems that their strategy isn’t working so much and this press release is just kinda goofy. And not in the funny kind of way that they love so much.



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