What Committees Will the County Board Cut?

Which ones are they even considering cutting? You can find out here if you can’t make the meeting at noon today!

Oh, wait. Nevermind. Here’s the agenda for the meeting at noon. No links to any background information, all you have is “SUBCOMMITTEE REVIEW, DISCUSSION, AND POTENTIAL RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING INPUT RECEIVED FROM BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES” No list of committees, or indications of which ones are being considered. This is where it all happens, if people don’t pay attention now, it will be a done deal by the time it gets to the county board. I don’t know who’s politicking for what . . . or if it will end where most committees like this end . . . with no committees being cut because everyone thinks their committee is important . . . but I’d sure like to know what happened to the Poverty Commission.

I guess we’ll find out when they issue the press release . . . I really feel like someone should go to this meeting and find out, but I’m not sure I can leave work . . . anyone up for it? Want to report back? I’ll blog it if you write up a summary, no matter how short or long. No need to worry about links or anything.

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Note: After posting this, Jenni Dye sent me this email with more information, thanks Supervisor Dye!!!

Hi Brenda:

Wanted to reach out and provide some information for you on what’s going on with the subcommittee on boards and commissions, as I saw your post indicating that we were planning to discuss eliminating committees.

Because of the 3 member size of the committee, members can’t discuss the issue outside of meetings without having a quorum and thus being in violation of the open meetings law. So today’s meeting is intended to be a brainstorming session to come up with topics or potential proposals based on the series of evening meetings we just concluded. We then plan to schedule more evening meetings to discuss those, and once a list has been created at the meeting today, the topics will be included on future agendas.

I also want to reiterate that the goal of the committee is to make our boards and commissions more effective, not to simply put together a list of boards and commissions to eliminate. Topics I plan to bring up at the meeting today include better orientation for citizen members, better training for staff on Legistar and open meetings requirements, restructuring committees so that they have a clear county board oversight committee that hears from them periodically and vice versa, changing the makeup of some committees to better obtain representative participation and/or address quorum issues.

I’m always happy to answer questions you have on this, so please feel free to reach out.




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