What Did You Do On Summer Vacation?

While I worked, we were able to get away for a family vacation in Hayward, WI. Monona Grove School District teacher Brent Schacht spent his summer making television advertisements to re-elect Alberta Darling.

“There is no stronger advocate for our kids”

Alberta Darling is someone who claims to have taught in her bio, yet where she taught is a mystery. She also has come up with such gems as

* Teachers should thank the Republicans for breaking the unions.

* Thinks Medicare should be a voucher program.

* Refused to allow working families to testify on the budget.

* Did the bidding of ALEC in allowing tobacco companies more leeway to market to kids.

* Finally, while the list can go on and on, do not forget that Darling was leading the charge to cut $1.6 BILLION from public education funds in Wisconsin. How have those drastic cuts affected Schacht’s own MGSD? They have been very harmful.

“We’re not great,” said MGHS Superintendent Craig Gerlach of the district’s financial situation.

Districts that have prospered under the Walker budget constraints “may have been in a better situation than we were beforehand,” he said.

The Walker budget is slightly more rewarding to school districts that have growing student populations, he said, “but we’re more in the ‘slightly declining’ enrollment situation.”

The district spends about $13,000 per student, Gerlach said, but will receive about $600 less per pupil this year than last.

MGSD will also lose about $1.2 million in other state money.

The budget is “relatively balanced” this year, partly because the district received $850,000 in federal job stimulus funds, but that is one-time money that won’t be around next year.

To make matters worse, public school teacher Schacht was featured prominently in this ad that was paid for by convicted felon Scott \”Scooter\” Jensen’s group American Federation of Children. A vastly mislabeled group whose sole purpose is to funnel our Wisconsin tax dollars away from public education and into private schools. This will allow former criminals to keep sucking off taxpayer money without having to run for office. Probably not the best person to associate with!


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