What is wrong with this city?

I was born here, lived in 6 other cities until I was an adult, then I moved back to Madison. I’ve served for 8 years in our local government, rented for 7 years, owned two different homes here, and have been here nearly 30 years, this is my home. But I don’t recognize my city any more.

Yesterday I was trying to cover both the city and county budget hearings (gigantic posts on both meetings soon). The county public hearing had no speakers from the public on the entire budget except Human Services (human services public hearing is next Wednesday at 6 at the Alliant Energy Center). The city had its second night of questions for the capital budget – the only two speakers there were from the library foundation. I had to leave to go to the county meeting. That’s a whole different issue, and not what is making me bummed this morning.

After the county meeting, at about 9:30 – 9:45 I walked outside. The entire block in front of the city county building is blocked off and has silver metal gates around it. Same with the entry to the Monona Terrace. Both are filled with equipment for the Ironman. Our neighbors without homes that normally sleep in front of the City-County and Municipal buildings were still there, perhaps about 40 people total. I talked to a few folks outside the CCB then started walking to my car. There was “event staff” there playing on their laptop in the street. It was fairly quiet. I talked to some of the guys at the Municipal Building joked with the guys about them setting up a nice tent for people when it rains. The huge tent was secure behind the fences and being guarded. It wasn’t very funny. One guy took great pride in telling me that rain wasn’t a problem for them. As I was walking away I said, “and look, portapotties for you too”. Someone grumbled, those aren’t for us.

As I was passing the portapotties on Wilson outside the Municipal building I was kinda horrified. I stopped and looked and discovered they made sure no one used them. I stopped, turned around to go take a picture. As I was taking a picture the “event staff” (now there were two of them) felt the need to shine their flashlight at me. Apparently they were concerned their “security system” was being tampered with. I stared back at them and continued what I was doing.



Was this really necessary? Would it be so awful if someone peed inside the blue box? Clearly “lake pee” as they call the one inadequately cleaned portapotty at the CCB hasn’t been sufficient and the guys often don’t bother going in there cuz its gross. Would it have been so terrible if there was a clean place to go to the restroom for one night? Did it really have to be “locked”? What has happened to my city? With all the money going into the Ironman, can’t they share the basics with those who are down and out? We seem to live in an entirely different city that I thought it was.


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