What kind of jobs does Madison need?

I’ve asked this question repeatedly, and it seems there is no answer, or at least not an answer people agree on. I asked this question when we were talking about creating jobs in the East Rail Corridor through TIF. Are we trying to attract one business that would create 400 jobs, or 10 businesses that would create 40 jobs, or 40 businesses that would create 10 jobs? I asked the question, but I didn’t get an answer.

I also heard the Economic Development Commission members debate this in terms of creating high-tech/bio-tech jobs or jobs for the working class. Most seemed to want to create the higher end jobs so we could attract more rich people to Madison who will buy expensive homes and pay high property taxes.

And what exactly are we talking about when we talk about jobs for the “working class”? Are those manufacturing jobs? Is it a Walmart distribution center? What are we talking about?

Recently, we approved the $700,000 loan for Tomo Therapy to create jobs that make $65,000 a year. I would have gladly loaned twice that amount if we were creating jobs that make $30,000 a year. After all, I believe the area we can have the most impact on is moving people from cleaning office buildings, serving food and clerking in convenience stores to better paying jobs. I think we should be helping the un-employed and the under-employed, not those with high tech skills.

For this, and so many other reasons, we need to have an economic development plan for the City of Madison. The sooner we have one, the sooner we will have a strategy to deal with these issues.


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