What the Council Plans to Talk About Tonight (Updated)

Nothing? No items of interest for any council members? I highly doubt it. Not sure if this is more passive-aggressive staffing going on or what, but this is sure to change.

September 3, 2013 Common Council Meeting
Proposed Consent Agenda Exclusions
Please note that exclusions on this listing may change at the meeting.
Items may be added or taken off the list when the consent agenda is presented.

Happy Birthday to Ald. Denise DeMarb: September 10th!

Note: Agenda Item No. 7 – Legislative File No. 31402 – Resolution Recognizing the 25th Anniversary of the Sister City Program in Madison, Wisconsin – is NOT a 15-vote item.

14. Legislative File No. 31095 – Public Hearing – New License: Shamrock Bar and Grill Inc • dba Shamrock Bar and Grill 117 W Main St – Class B Combination Liquor & Beer (Report of ALRC: Public Hearing – Recommended Action (Requested by Applicant): Re-Refer to ALRC, Recess Public Hearing)

The following items are part of the Consent Agenda but with Additional Recommendations as noted:
25. Legislative File No. 31421 – Report of the Mayor submitting names of appointees to the Lamp House Block Ad Hoc Plan Committee. (Business by the Mayor – Ald. Scott Resnick, President Pro Tem – Recommended Action: RE-REFER to 9/17/13 Common Council meeting)

28. Legislative File No. 31386 – Creating an ad hoc committee to advise the Plan Commission and the Common Council about an appropriate vision and special area plan for the Lamp House block. (Business by the President – Ald. Scott Resnick, President Pro Tem – Recommended Action: RE-REFER to Plan Commission and 9/17/13 Common Council meeting)

40. Legislative File No. 31209 – 21+ Entertainment License – Shamrock Bar & Grill Inc • dba Shamrock Bar & Grill • 117 W Main St (Report of ALRC – Recommended Action (Requested by Applicant): Re-Refer to ALRC)

57. Legislative File No. 29554 – SUBSTITUTE – In Support of Balanced Municipal Representation on the Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District (Report of BPW – Recommended Action (Requested by Mayor): RE-REFER to Mayor’s Office)

68. Legislative File No. 31139 – SUBSTITUTE – Rescinding Assessments for Rolfsmeyer Drive Sanitary Sewer Assessment District. (Report of BPW – Ald. John Strasser, D. 14 – Recommended Action: Adopt Substitute)

88. Legislative File No. 31339 Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Agreement with Utility Service Partners Private Label, Inc. (USPPL) dba Service Line Warranties of America (SLWA) for a Sanitary Sewer Lateral Warranty Program to be made available to interested homeowners at no cost to the City. (Report of BPW – Engineering Staff Request – Recommended Action: REFER to Board of Estimates and Board of Public Works)

98. Legislative File No. 30661 – Approving a Certified Survey Map of property owned by NEW WEI, LLC generally located at 9414 Silicon Prairie Parkway; 9th Ald. Dist. (Report of Plan Commission – Ald. Chris Schmidt, Council President – Recommended Action: RE-REFER to Plan Commission)

Items requested by alders to be placed on EXCLUSION LIST
No agenda items were submitted for placed on the exclusion list.

Eyeroll. At this rate, the 8 honoring resolutions and the report about State St. are the only predictable items that will take up time, but I’m guessing there is more.

UPDATE: 90. Legislative File No. 31444 Community Development Division: Green Madison Program Report – Dated September 3, 2013. (Requested by Ald. Marsha Rummel, D. 6)


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