What Will (or did?) the Common Council Talk about Tonight

I’m posting this just when the council meeting is started . . . forgot it was Tuesday and got caught up in other things! doh.

Agenda Items #2 -#4 are PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS

The following items are EXTRA-MAJORITY ITEMS-Extra Majority vote items will be recorded as unanimous votes unless a roll call or exclusion is requested.
49. Legislative File No. 52258 – Authorizing a noncompetitive contract with Cream City Scale, LLC to add three additional weighing scales to the Streets Division salt storage locations and amending the Streets Division 2018 capital budget to transfer $350,000 from the Streets Emerald Ash Borer program to the Streets Yard Improvement program. (Report of Finance Committee – 15 votes required.)

51. Legislative File No. 52273 – Amending the 2018 Bicycle and Pedestrian Capital Budget to transfer $170,000 of existing GO borrowing authority between major programs Safe Routes Grants Program and Sidewalk Program. (Report of Finance Committee –15 votes required.)

55. Legislative File No. 52311 – Authorizing the City of Madison, on behalf of the Dane County Continuum of Care (CoC), to accept an EHH grant award of up to $598,480 from the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration; authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreements with specific Dane County CoC agencies to provide services using the EHH funds; and amending the Community Development Division’s 2018 Adopted Operating Budget as appropriate. (Report of Finance Committee –15 votes required.)

61. Legislative File No. 52413 – Amending the 2018 Capital Budget and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a development agreement to fund a $2,086,000 Tax Incremental Finance Loan to assist in the renovation and development of office and structured parking for Exact Sciences Corporation in the Project Plan and Boundary Amendment area of TID #46 (Research Park). (Report of Finance Committee–15 votes required.)

68. Legislative File No. 52535 – Creating Section 28.022 – 00338 and Section 28.022 – 00339 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of properties generally located at 118 – 126 State Street, 4th Aldermanic District, from DC (Downtown Core) District to PD(GDP-SIP) (Planned Development (General Development Plan, Specific Implementation Plan)) District. (New Business for Referral–Ald. Ledell Zellers, District 2 – Additional Referrals: Transportation Commission, Downtown Coordinating Committee.)

Items placed on the EXCLUSION LIST
38. Legislative File No. 51898 – Creating Section 1.15 of the Madison General Ordinances to codify the Madison Official City Flag and to repeal Resolution #4408. (Report of Common Council Executive Committee – Ald. Arvina Martin, District 11)

Legislative File No. 52559 – Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a sole source purchase of materials and services contract with Traffic Control Corporation for the purchase of Adaptive Keys, Adaptive Integration, Programming of Accuscan Equipment Field Services, and Accuscan 1000 Traffic Sensor Kits for the University Avenue; Allen Boulevard to University Bay Drive Project #5992-10-10/11 project. (Ald. Marsha Rummel, District 6)
– Requested Action: Refer to Finance Committee

Legislative File No. 52607-BY TITLE ONLY – 1) Authorizing the execution of a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Gorman & Company, Inc. or its assigns (“Developer) for the purchase and redevelopment of City-owned property located at 2507 Winnebago Street (“the Property”); and 2) Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a development agreement to sell the Property, valued at Six Hundred Eighty Six Thousand Dollars ($686,000) (“Land Value”), to Developer or its assigns for One Dollar ($1.00) and the Land Value financed by the City as a $686,000 loan to Developer (“TIF Loan”). (Ald. Marsha Rummel, District 6)
– Requested Action: Refer to Finance Committee

Legislative File No. 52540 – Authorizing the noncompetitive purchase of goods from Vanguard Sculpture Services LTD as a sole source provider of the fabrication and installation of “Badger,” a bronze sculpture by Harry Whitehorse, for the plaza at Monroe Street, Regent Street, and South Breese Terrace ; and authorizing the acceptance of funds raised privately by volunteers from their fiscal receiver Arts Wisconsin, Inc. towards associated project costs. (Ald. Sheri Carter, District 14)
– Requested Action: Refer to Finance Committee


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