What will the council talk about tonight?

2 items, Olbrich catering and #13M TIF for Anchor Bank.

Agenda Items #3 – # 13 are PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS

The following items are extra-majority items to be included on the consent agenda with request for unanimous vote:
24. Legislative File No. 37336 – Amending the 2015 Adopted City Operating Budget to provide improved equity in compensation for general municipal employees paid for by savings from lower fleet vehicle fuel costs. (Report of BOE – Report from Floor Needed – 15 votes required)

Agenda Item part of the Consent Agenda but with Additional Recommendations as noted:
47. Legislative File No. 37063 – Amending Section 33.52 of the Madison General Ordinances to modify the composition of the Food Policy Council. (Report of CCOC – Report from Floor Needed)

Agenda Items requested by alders to be placed on EXCLUSION LIST
22. Legislative File No. 37027 – SUBSTITUTE To authorize the City to enter into an agreement with Blue Plate Catering, Inc. to grant exclusive rights to provide alcohol service to Olbrich Botanical Gardens and the Warner Park Community Recreation Center. (Report of BOE – Ald. David Ahrens, D. 15)

53. Legislative File No. 36357 – Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a development agreement to fund a $13,317,000 Tax Incremental Finance Loan to 25 West Main, LLC, or assigns, to assist in the development of and commercial redevelopment project located at 126 South Carroll Street and within the boundary of a proposed TID #45. (Items Referred to This Meeting – Ald. David Ahrens, D. 15)

Introductions from the Floor for Referral
Legislative File No. 37360 – Authorizing the selection of a portion of Census Tract 20 as the focus for a concentration neighborhood planning process and the creation of an Ad-Hoc steering committee. (Ald. Lauren Cnare, D. 3)
– Recommended Action: Refer to Board of Estimates, Community Development Block Grant Committee

Legislative File No. 37488 – Calling for increased funding for comprehensive reproductive health care. (Ald. Lisa Subeck, D. 1)
– Recommended Action: Refer to 3/17/15 Common Council Meeting

Legislative File No. 37491 – Supporting Continued Funding of SeniorCare. (Ald. Mark Clear, D. 19)
– Recommended Action: Refer to 3/17/15 Common Council Meeting

Legislative File No. 37506 – Accepting a Report of the Fire Chief on Cross Jurisdictional Dispatching. (Ald. Paul Skidmore, D. 9)
– Recommended Action: Refer to Public Safety Review Committee, CCOC, BOE

Legislative File No. 37507 – Creating Section 10.056(6)(q) and amending Sections 10.056(6)(m) and 10.056(6)(n)1. of the Madison General Ordinances to clarify that a Street Use Permit for an event that includes an illegal activity may be denied, clarifying the list of unpaid fees that could result in permit denial, and correcting a typographical error. (Ald. Mike Verveer, D. 4)
– Recommended Action: Refer to Street Use Staff Committee


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