What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?

No much. Not Judge Doyle Square . . . and everything else seems to be sailing through as per usual.

Please note that exclusions on this listing may change at the meeting.
Items may be added or taken off the list when the consent agenda is presented.

Agenda Items #2 through #17 are PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS

The following items are extra-majority items to be included on the consent agenda with request for unanimous vote:

46. Legislative File No. 38012 Amending the 2015 adopted operating budget of the Planning Division to accept grant monies not to exceed $5,000 from the Wisconsin Historical Society’s Certified Local Government Subgrant for Historic Preservation and authorizing the Department of Planning and Community and Economic Development to contract with a consultant or consultants. (Report of BOE – 15 votes required)

55. Legislative File No. 39496 Authorizing the City of Madison to accept a HUD Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance planning grant in the amount of $38,739, amending the 2015 CDBG Operating Budget to reflect this additional revenue and commensurate expenditures, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement with the Corporation for Supportive Housing, Inc. for activities related to conducting a public process to update the Community Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness in Madison/Dane County. (Report of BOE – 15 votes required)

58. Legislative File No. 39501 Authorizing the execution of a Lease between the City of Madison and Madison Golf & Development Group, LLC for space within two buildings located at 7613 Century Avenue, Middleton for the storage of Madison Metro Transit’s buses serving the west side of the City. In connection with this Lease, the authorization to amend Madison Metro Transit’s 2015 adopted operating budget by $73,130. (Report of BOE – 15 votes required)

Agenda Items part of the Consent Agenda but with Additional Recommendations as noted:
43. Legislative File No. 39761 – Declaring the sale of the subterranean portion of the right of way beneath Pinckney Street serves the public interest in conformity with the requirements of Wis. Stat. Sec. 66.0915(4). (Report of City Attorney – REFER to the 9/15/15 Common Council Meeting – Ald. Denise DeMarb, Council President)

47. Legislative File No. 38885 – SUBSTITUTE Accepting the Public Market Business Plan as the guiding document for the implementation of a public market and directing the Local Food Committee to develop and execute a project implementation strategy for the Public Market and a plan for the Market District (Report of Board of Estimates – RE-REFER to the 10/6/15 Common Council Meeting to accommodate the planned attendance of consultant)

57. Legislative File No. 39499 – Authorizing the execution of a Purchase and Sale Agreement between the City of Madison and Reverend Larry V. Jackson and Katherine M. Jackson for the purchase of a parcel located at 2049 Baird Street. (Report of Board of Estimates – RE-REFER to the 9/15/15 Common Council Meeting – Board of Park Commissioners recommendation needed)

60. Legislative File No. 39800 – SUBSTITUTE Accepting the Report of the Board of Estimates and the August 20, 2015, Report of the Judge Doyle Square Negotiating Team; Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute an Amended and Restated Development Agreement with JDS Development LLC for the Judge Doyle Square Project and Related Agreements, and Directing Follow-up Actions by the City as Described and Agreed to in the Amended and Restated Development Agreement. (Report of the Board of Estimates – REFER to the 9/15/15 Common Council Meeting – Ald. Denise DeMarb, Council President)

90. Legislative File No. 39735 – Secondhand Article Dealer License / Tech Bank LLC / 409 Frances St. Aldermanic District 4 (Alder Verveer) / Police Sector 403 (Report of City Clerk –RE-REFER to the 9/15/15 Common Council Meeting at request of MPD/Clerk’s Office)
134. Legislative File No. 39320 – Authorizing the City of Madison to move employees into the Deductible HMO-Standard PPO health insurance program option. (New Business for Referral – Additional Referral: Committee on Employee Relations * Requested by HR Director)

Items requested by alders to be placed on EXCLUSION LIST
204. Legislative File No. 39376 SUBSTITUTE – Directing the City Engineer to establish a Public/Private Voluntary Benchmarking Program. (Report of Sustainable Madison Committee – Ald. Sara Eskrich, D. 13, Ald. David Ahrens, D. 15 & Ald. Matt Phair)

Introductions from the Floor for Referral
• No introductions from the floor items were submitted to Council staff for listing.


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