What will the Council talk about tonight?

Looks like 3 items, plus anything the public shows up to speak to or public hearing items.

Notified Absence: Ald. Shiva Bidar-Sielaff

Agenda Items #2 – 7 are PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS

The following items are EXTRA-MAJORITY ITEMS – Extra Majority vote items will be recorded as unanimous votes unless a roll call or exclusion is requested:

8. Legislative File No. 45572 – SUBSTITUTE – Report of the Mayor submitting citizen committee appointments. (Business by the Mayor – 2/3 vote required for confirmation of appointments: McGowan, Huber, Springman and Zarov)

15. Legislative File No. 45279 – Authorizing a renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Unity Point Health – Meriter and the City of Madison for the Madison Fire Department (MFD) to provide Paramedic Case Management services and amending the 2017 Madison Fire Department Budget. (Report of BOE – 15 votes required)

20. Legislative File No. 45484 SUBSTITUTE – Accepting a grant from the Wholesome Wave Foundation Charitable Ventures, Inc (Wholesome Wave) 2016 Nutrition Incentive Support and Innovation Grant program in the amount of $23,120; amending the 2017 Operating Budget of the Mayor’s Office to appropriate the revenue and expenditures associated with the grant; authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign an agreement with Wholesome Wave to receive and use these funds and to enter into an MOU with the Williamson Street Grocery Coop for use of these funds within their stores. (Report of BOE – 15 votes required)

35. Legislative File No. 45534 – Authorizing the City to accept an award of $94,513 from HUD’s 2015 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program competition; amending the Community Development Division’s 2017 Adopted Operating Budget as appropriate; and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into agreements necessary to accept the funds. (Report of BOE – 15 votes required)


10. Legislative File No. 43726 – Establishing Goals for Regional Transit Authority Legislation. (Business by Council President – Council President Verveer – Additional Referral: Long Range Transportation Planning Committee)

Items requested by alders to be placed on EXCLUSION LIST

31. Legislative File No. 45516 – Authorizing a no-cost memorandum of understanding with Journey Mental Health Center, Inc. for dedicated mental health clinical crisis workers co-located in the Police Department. (Report of BOE – Ald. Rebecca Kemble, District 18)

37. Legislative File No. 45573 – To approve the 2017 Urban Forestry Special Charge. (Report of BOE – Ald. David Ahrens, District 15)

58. Legislative File No. 44402 – Adopting the Yahara Hills Neighborhood Development Plan as a supplement to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan and authorizing the City’s applications to amend the Central Urban Service Area as required to implement the development phasing recommendations in the Yahara Hills Neighborhood Development Plan. (Report of Plan Commission – Ald. Denise DeMarb, District 16 – For the Purpose of Amending the Resolution)

Common Council Meeting 1/17/2017
Agenda Item No. 58
Amendment to Legislative File No. 44402 – Adopting the Yahara Hills Neighborhood Development Plan as a supplement to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan and authorizing the City’s applications to amend the Central Urban Service Area as required to implement the development phasing recommendations in the Yahara Hills Neighborhood Development Plan.
Sponsored by: Ald. Denise DeMarb, District 16

Add the following clauses to the resolution:

”BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Madison Plan Commission and Common Council authorize the City’s applications to amend the Central Urban Service Area to include lands within the Yahara Hills Neighborhood Development Plan planning area as required to implement the development phasing recommendations in the plan; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that before the City Planning Division submits an application to the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission to amend the Central Urban Service Area (CUSA), the application materials shall first be submitted to the City Plan Commission and Common Council for their review and approval. The application materials for review shall include input from City Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Water Utility, Madison Metro Transit, Parks Division, Madison Police Department, and Madison Fire Department regarding the City’s ability to provide efficient services in the CUSA expansion area.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Planning Division will follow the above procedure for all requests to amend the CUSA throughout City growth areas heretofore.


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