What Will the Council Talk About Tonight? (Updated)

The following . . . and anything that people show up to talk about . . .

Agenda Items #3 – #10 are PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS

The following items are EXTRA-MAJORITY ITEMS – Extra Majority vote items will be recorded as unanimous votes unless a roll call or exclusion is requested:
88. Legislative File No. 51978 – Amending the 2018 Sanitary Sewer Utility Capital Budget to transfer $30,000 of Sewer Reserves authority from the Reconstruction Streets major (project 11790) to the West Elderberry Neighborhood Sanitary Sewer Improvement Impact Fee District project 11842). (9th AD) (Report of Finance Committee – 15 votes required)

92. Legislative File No. 52070 – SUBSITUTE – Authorizing a non-competitive selection contract between Fortin Consulting, Inc. and the City of Madison, and amending the 2019 2018 Stormwater Utility Operating Budget to appropriate additional funds for salt certification training updates and trainings events. (Report of Finance Committee – 15 votes required)

93. Legislative File No. 52142 – Amending Traffic Engineering’s 2018 Capital Budget to increase it by $20,000 for 100% of the cost for the purchase and installation costs of the RRFB at Carncross/Siggelkow. (16th AD) (Report of Finance Committee – 15 votes required)

104. Legislative File No. 52143 – Rejecting the Trump Administration’s Policy of separating children from their families at the border, calling on congress to immediately halt this inhumane policy, and enact fair and humane comprehensive immigration reform. (Items Referred to This Meeting – Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution)

Items placed on EXCLUSION LIST
23. Legislative File No. 51991 – Change of Licensed Premise * Irwin A & Robert D Goodman Community Center Inc dba Goodman Community Center * Current Capacity (in/out): 500/0 • Proposed Capacity (in/out): 1500/500 700/0 * 149 Waubesa St • Agent: Rebecca Steinhoff *Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 25% alcohol, 75% food * Aldermanic District 6 (Alder Rummel) • Police Sector 602 * Add “Loft” area and current fitness room at 149 Waubesa St. Add gymnasium and multipurpose room, plus green space and pergola areas at 2 Waubesa Ct. Add first floor and three small conference rooms on second floor at 214 Waubesa St. (Report of ALRC – Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4 – For the Purpose of Amending Conditions)

105. Legislative File No. 50758 – Creating Section 28.022 — 00324 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of properties located at 717-753 E. Johnson Street, 2nd Aldermanic District, from TR-V2 (Traditional Residential – Varied 2) District to NMX (Neighborhood Mixed-Use) District.

(Reconsideration Requested – Ald. Steve King, District 7)
158. Legislative File No. 51818 – SUBSTITUTE – Creating Section 23.60 and renumbering current Section 23.60 to Section 23.70 of the Madison General Ordinances to prohibit the practice of conversion therapy in the City of Madison. (Report of Board of Public Health for Madison-Dane County – Ald. Arvina Martin, District 11)

Legislative File No. 52413 – Amending the 2018 Capital Budget and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a development agreement to fund a $2,086,000 Tax Incremental Finance Loan to assist in the renovation and development of office and structured parking for Exact Sciences Corporation in the Project Plan and Boundary Amendment area of TID #46 (Research Park). (Ald. Mark Clear, District 19) – Requested Action: Refer to Finance Committee

Added two items that need a 2/3 vote:
10. Legislative File No. 52086 – PUBLIC HEARING ITEM – Approving Plans, Specifications and Schedule of Assessments for Winnebago Street, Atwood Avenue and Linden Avenue Assessment District – 2018. (6th AD) Introduce under suspension of Rule 2.05(5), MGO, 2/3 vote is required to suspend the rules to allow for reintroduction of similar resolution within the 60 day time frame.

123. Legislative File No. 52300 – Amend the membership of the Madison Police Department Policy and Procedure Review Ad Hoc Committee from fifteen (15) to thirteen (13). (New Business For Referral – Introduce under suspension of Rule 2.05(5), MGO, 2/3 vote is required to suspend the rules to allow for reintroduction of similar resolution within the 60 day time frame.)


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