What’s up with the Blogger Slacker?

Sorry, no post today, here’s why . . . .

I’m trying to get things in order to have WYOU run on volunteers instead of staff and I’ve been working probably 20 hours a week or more for the last month or so to get things in order and absorb as much information as possible! Whew! Brain. full.

Anyways, a huge chunk of the time is in . . . thank goodness for holidays and days off so I could work on it and the fact that the council meeting only lasted an hour last night . . . so I got in another chunk of time last night and this morning . . . so, I should be at a point where blogging can resume tomorrow morning . . . and you’ll see less disruptions . . . and I’ll be all caught up and back to normal. (Well, Brenda normal. Cross your fingers.)

Meanwhile . . . . . if you want to volunteer for WYOU, or become a board member we can use all kinds of skills . . . seriously. Office work to painting to editing to technical advice, we need it all. If you want to volunteer, you can stop by Saturday noon – 5 or Sunday noon – 3 or email me at wyouvc@gmail.com.

Can’t volunteer, you can always donate! Or, do both!

Hopefully, we will resume with camera check out, editing bay and studio use after the 1/11 board meeting. If I can convince board members that we can do this with volunteers! So, if you can volunteer, its important!

Thanks so much for your support. I know some people wonder why I am doing this with my time, but I just couldn’t be on a board that let community television die after getting screwed by AT&T and the Mayor/City Council and Charter. I think its vitally important to have this alternative media available to the public and I’m looking forward to EVEN MORE local programming. If you have ideas for a show, let me know! Music, art, local community events, anything, as long as it is local! I can help you figure out how to get it done! After all, I did it! It wasn’t that hard! This is, after all, our community television station . . . Make it yours! (Note: Especially, if you are already working with video, consider letting us play it on WYOU!)

So, let me know if you want to volunteer or have a show idea! And donate now if you can! Even after letting the staff go, we probably need to raise another $20 – 30K over the next year, which is totally doable, with your help!


  1. I’ve been hearing about the dire straits of WYOU and a couple of other Madison institutions here at my day job. Dane101 (not my day job) can’t help financially, but if there is anything you think we can do to help beyond writing articles, please let me know. I’ll jog my brain a little to see if I can come up with anything. Best of luck and thanks for all of your efforts.


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