What’s with this Larry Guy?

And is anyone going to miss Katherine Plominski? Apparently not, they’re leaving her position open for a while instead of filling it. Yes, more “changes” in the mayor’s office – but one thing stays the same, Larry Studesville gets appointed to another high level position. Why is this the “go to” guy? I haven’t seen him do anything except fill a position. I haven’t seen any great action or brilliant insights this guy has. In fact, he barely speaks in public.

Hi all,

My office is undergoing several transitions I wanted to tell you about.

First, the good news. We have filled the Program Assistant position that handles committee appointments on a permanent basis. While we will always miss Pam, we are delighted to bring Laila (pronounced Lila) D’Costa on board starting today. Laila most recently worked in Washington, D.C. as a Human Resources Assistant for American Federation of Teachers. We are lucky to have her. Please make her feel welcome.

Second, we are sorry to bid adieu to Katherine Plominksi as of June 15th. She and her husband, Dan, are moving back to the Chicago area. Katherine has shown terrific leadership on alcohol issues and has been a great shepherd of the ALRC. We will miss her very much. While we will be filling her position, we will leave it open for several months for salary savings.

Lastly, we are sorry to report that Ray Harmon is out on medical leave until May 17th at the very earliest. His leave may need to be extended for several months. We will be introducing a resolution at Tuesday’s council meeting to keep Larry Studesville on board to double fill Ray’s position. While we hope it will only be for a few weeks, we will ask for permission to double fill his position for four months so that the worst case scenario is covered.

We are still working on the details of the fiscal implications of all the changes. There will be some salary savings from leaving Katherine’s position vacant and if Ray needs an extended leave, he will be paid through wage insurance. We’re still hoping we can do this in a way that won’t require any additional spending by my office. We hope to know more about the fiscal impacts in the coming days.

If you have any questions or concerns about any of these comings and goings, please don’t hesitate to contact me or Janet.

Dave Cieslewicz

Not huge news, but irritating in that Larry Studeville is the person who is supposed to be working in the CDBG office on Energy Efficiency Grants. Was that just a position made up for him if he isn’t needed there?


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