Where is that mysterious Project-Labor Agreement for the Edgewater?

No one seems to know . . . has anyone seen it?

I asked for it last fall.

Bob Dunn blew me off.

from Brenda Konkel brendakonkel@gmail.com
to Bob Dunn ,
Amy Supple ,
Tina Kurt
date Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 1:20 PM
subject Re: 90 page agreement

Am I to conclude that you are not interested in sharing this document with me?

On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 1:04 PM, Brenda Konkelwrote:

Hey! I thought you’d be happy NOT to hear from me for so long . . . .

On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 12:55 PM, Bob Dunnwrote:

Brenda who???

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 14, 2010, at 12:03 PM, “Brenda Konkel”wrote:

Could I get a copy? Or the presentations that you did?

So, when the Building Trades started touting it again, it reminded me that I should take a look and see what this “unprecedented” agreement was all about! So, I asked around again.

Probably the Plan Commission staffer would have it.

from Murphy, Brad BMurphy@cityofmadison.com
to Brenda Konkel ,
“Gromacki, Joseph” ,
“May, Michael”
date Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 1:33 PM
subject RE: Open records request for a copy of the project-labor agreement for the Edgewater

Brenda, I don’t anything about this one.

Ok, TIF Coordinator?

Gromacki, Joseph to me

From: Zellhoefer, Anne
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 9:21 AM
To: Gromacki, Joseph
Subject: RE: Open records request for a copy of the project-labor agreement for the Edgewater

No, I asked for it several times after the big press conference on it but they would never give it to me. AZ

From: Gromacki, Joseph
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 9:17 AM
To: Zellhoefer, Anne
Subject: FW: Open records request for a copy of the project-labor agreement for the Edgewater

Do you have this document?

City Attorney?

from May, Michael MMay@cityofmadison.com
to Brenda Konkel ,
“Murphy, Brad”
cc “Gromacki, Joseph”
date Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 2:44 PM
subject RE: Open records request for a copy of the project-labor agreement for the Edgewater

Anne Z tells me we asked for it and did not get it.

City Attorney
Madison, Wisconsin


So, I asked Bob Dunn for it again yesterday.  After multiple emails back and forth and a little whining about how he’d get nothing out of it if he shared it with me, I didn’t get it. However, he did offer to meet with me to go over it. I guess it requires spin?

Then, I  decided to go another route, surely the city council members who voted on this and have to vote on it again soon would have it, right?  Well, so far, not so good.  Here’s the responses I got so far.  Note:  I just asked last night, so answers still rolling in.

from Brenda Konkel brendakonkel@gmail.com
to All Alders
date Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 5:42 PM
subject Open records request

If anyone has a copy of the Project-Labor Agreement for the Edgewater could you please send me a copy. So far Murphy, Zellhoefer, May and Gromacki don’t have a copy, someone must have it, right? Dunn is refusing to give me a copy. I was merely curious at first, but now I’d really like to see it. Please let me know if you have a copy and how I can obtain a copy of it. If you don’t have it, let me know that as well.

Answers (so far):
Subeck: I don’t.
Cnare: I pitched all my Edgewater stuff. I thought we were done. Sorry ’bout that! I think I remember a draft of something but nothing final because it was a “private” affair between trades and Dunn’s company.
Verveer: I have never had a copy of the PLA. I asked Anne Zellhoefer unsuccessfully in the past to secure a copy for me.
Bidar-Sielaff: Dont have it. I do remember seeing a draft at some point.
Rummel: Don’t have
King: I don’t have it either. I honestly do not recall ever getting it either.
Resnick: Don’t have it.
Skidmore: no, i do not have a copy of the PLA. i seem to recall hearing about one, but do not have one.
Solomon: I definitely saw drafts a year ago when we were debating and I was drafting my language, but I don’t believe I ever got a final copy…
Schmidt: I don’t have it.
Rhodes-Conway: I’d love to see it myself.
Ellingson: I don’t.
Palm: Nope.
Johnson: don’t have this.
FYI for future – No response from me means I do not have this or it’s not applicable.
Any new Alder was not around at this time — likely why no response from them.
Clausius: : I just looked through my Edgewater file and I don’t have a copy.
Weier: No, I don’t have a copy, but I would like to see one.
Clear: I have not seen it.
Phair: Funny thing…I don’t have it.

I’ll wait to see if anyone has it, otherwise its back to begging I guess . . . I’ll try the Building Trades. Maybe some reporter friends (what’s left of them). Open records request on the former Mayor? Meet with Bob Dunn and waste our time? Some one has to have it, right? Why is it so hard to get? This shouldn’t be so hard, right?


  1. Did the city help write it? If they did not and it is not a specific condition of approval- does anyone besides the involved parties have the right to a private document. I really doubt that the “because I want it” is really a viable reason.
    Demanding this document- if it is a private document- is a little over the line. What kind of a precedent does this set? Will all private documents be demanded of all doing business in Madison in the future. I know this is a heated debate- but truely- how far is too far?

  2. I’m not demanding anything.  Just asking a few questions and very curious about why its so mysterious . . .  kinda goofy to have a press conference touting something that you won’t let anyone see . . . .

  3. @yahoo-SZ3IEKHPND45EPUUCT7VCAYUM4:disqus  — it is a private document, but it has been used in the past and is being used again as a justification for the public investment via the TIF.  Although that doesn’t make it “public” it does mean there is a public interest.

    If however it has been shared with anyone who is subject to an open records request — like those alders who have used it as a justification for the TIF — then it should be public.  If these Alders and the former Mayor never saw it and are just taking Dunn and the Unions’ word on it, I think that tells us a lot about how they go about our business.

    It would be interesting to see what an open records request does and does not turn up


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