Where is the representation for people who LIVE in District 2?

This ticked me off. I won’t lie. We’re having a neighborhood summit, and who does our Alder want to make sure attends? I’ll let you read for yourself.

from Maniaci, Bridget
to “tlna@yahoogroups.com” ,
date Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 2:51 AM
subject [tlna] Fwd: Invitation to Neighborhood Summit 7/31 on development review process

Hi all,
Alder Rummel has been working with alders and city staff to organize and set up a neighborhood summit Saturday, July 30th from 9am-noon. See additional details below. The topic under review is the development process of the city. I highly encourage those of who who have proposed developments or been directly involved in the legislative lobbying process on a project in your neighborhood or at the city level to mark this on your calendar and try to attend.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Hope to see you there!
Alder Bridget Maniaci

The other information is here.

My question is, where the hell is the concern for the people who live in the neighborhood? Why only the concern for the lobbyists and the people who have developments? Who is representing the people who live here? My. head. hurts. I feel so bad for district 2 residents who are left unrepresented.


  1. Hey Brenda,
    I think you took my email out of context, either that or it was late and i didn’t phrase it as well as I could. Basically what I wanted to say was “this would be great to attend for all neighbors who’ve ever sat through city meetings, ie, getting a garage approved on your house, or been a neighbor and sat through a meeting to testify on your neighbor’s garage approval”. It was late (2:51am) when I got the email and wanted to forward it to my neighborhood directly and right away. Perhaps i could have typed more, but the email was directly targeted to individual neighbors.
    All the best!


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