Why Doesn’t the City Hire Women in Leadership?

People of Color and People with Disabilities get hired – wages not so great. Women, not so good – in both getting hired and wages. The council will be voting on this report tonight.

Seems to be getting worse. From the Executive Summary of the latest report:

The 2011 annual report analysis indicates that women are under-represented in the following top management positions: Agency Heads, Fire Department Assistant and Division Chief, Management & Professionals, and Metro Management & Professionals positions. Police (Assistant Chief, Lieutenants, and Captains) is not under-represented for women or racial/ethnic minorities.

The salaries of women, racial/ethnic minorities and people with disabilities do not meet the labor market availability and we will continue monitoring to close the wage gap. The City of Madison General Ordinances for our Civil Service policy and Union Contracts help to close the gender wage gap and the difference between salaries may be due to other factors and not based on gender.

It actually got a little better generally in hiring for women.

In 2011, all compensation groups in the top management positions held by women are under-represented for women by 11.5 percent and not under-represented for racial/ethnic minorities. In 2010, all compensation groups in the top management position held by women were under-represented for women, by 12.4 percent and not under-represented for racial/ethnic minorities.

But worse for agency heads, women are less than 20%.

In 2011, women held 18.5 percent and racial/ethnic minorities held 11.1 percent of the Agency Heads (CG 21) top management positions.

Agency Heads are under-represented by 28.2 percent for women; they are not under-represented by minorities.

In 2010, women held 19.2 percent and racial/ethnic minorities 11.5 percent in the Agency Heads top management positions.

Salary news better than the national average of 78%, but still not good.

Salaries of women are at 93.8 percent compared to men’s salaries in the top management compensation groups. Salaries of minorities are at 96.8 percent compared to non-minorities salaries in the top management compensation groups.

Other notes.
City Attorney’s office has to hire more minorities – by 2%
Fire Department has no women in leadership – yes, none.
Madison Metro has to increase women (18.1% goal) and minorities (1.2%)


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