Wineke Says He’s Raising the Most Money Per Day

But not the most money.

Wineke Outpaces Opponents’ Fundraising in Dane County Executive Race
Verona Democrat’s pace tops field of six candidates

VERONA – Joe Wineke (D-Verona), candidate for Dane County Executive, outpaced his opponents’ 2010 fundraising efforts, according to finance reports filed with the County Clerk’s office today. The former State Senator and Wisconsin Democratic Party Chairman brought in more money per day than each of his five opponents – Zach Brandon, Eileen Bruskewitz, Scott McDonell, Joe Parisi, and Spencer Zimmerman.

The “January Continuing” report, due today, covered all funds raised between each candidate’s announcement and the December 31, 2010 finance deadline. The reports show:

* Zach Brandon raised $2,560.00, beginning December 8 – or $111.30 per day
* Scot McDonell raised $32,725.72, beginning November 24 – or $884.48 per day
*** (McDonell’s total includes a $19,494.39 transfer from his county board account)
* Joe Parisi raised $21,957.05, beginning November 23 – or $577.82 per day
*** (Parisi’s total includes a $5,000.00 personal loan and $4,678.15 transferred from his legislative account)
* Joe Wineke raised $14,360.40, beginning December 15 – or $897.53 per day
* Neither Eileen Bruskewitz nor Spencer Zimmerman reported any activity as of 4:30pm

Wineke, whose fundraising efforts began December 15, thanked friends, family, and colleagues for the outpouring of support.

“Despite the late start, our campaign set an aggressive fundraising pace through the end of 2010,” said Wineke. “With the help of friends, family, and working families across Dane County, we’ve built a strong coalition in the lead-up to the Primary, and we haven’t slowed down since. I’m grateful for their continued support in the fight for Dane County’s future.”


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