WisDOT Head Discusses the Future (Roads, Roads, Roads)

WisBusiness.com just put out an interview with WISDOT head Mark Gottlieb.  During the interview, the word “transit” was never used.  WISDOT’s priorities seem to be solidifying the funding for roads by eliminating “raids” on the state transportation (by which he means roads) fund in order to give users confidence that their fees will be used to benefit them, and prioritizing transportation (by which he means roads) projects that create jobs. 

Increasing the gas tax is out, as are toll roads (for now).   Expect the Zoo Interchange, the I39/90 expansion, and “upgrading” (expanding) highways 10 and 441 in the Fox Valley to be funded in Walker’s budget.

From other sources: Every RTA across the State is likely to be dissolved in the very near future under legislation circulating in the Capitol.  The Dane County RTA has voted NOT to place a referendum on the April ballot for this reason.  Transit aids are looking to be cut significantly, especially if the union busting budget fix passes (A fact that was brought up to the Joint Finance Committee with no Republican reaction whatsoever).  And every indication is that bicycle funding is also on the chopping block.

What does this mean for Madison?  Let me put is this way, according to a 2005 Reason Foundation study, the cost of relieving congestion in the Madison area (per delay-hour saved) was the fifth highest in the state at about $13.  What that means is that the road-centric focus of the Walker administration is likely to put Madison at a significant disadvantage in terms of attracting jobs derived from improved transportation (by this, I mean expanded roads).

As a side note,: 4 of the 5 highest cost per delay-hour saved areas were where RTAs have been proposed.  Do you think the Republicans would care about that fact if I bothered to bring it up to them? 

Neither do I.  See you at the Capitol today!


  1. It would be very interesting to know what Gottleib’s thoughts are on oil supply and petroleum price going forward.

    If those issues are not on the radar… he’s the wrong man for the transport job.

    If they are on the radar… let’s hear about it. What’s the forecast?

  2. The word “Transportation” in “Department of Transportation” is just a marketing euphemism-a clever cover word for “Roads”. WI Transportation Builders Association (WTBA) is a ridiculous rebranding of the “Road Builders”. Yes, you’re right, the word “transit” was never used in the interview. Entire days go by at Hill Farms State Office Building without anyone ever saying the word “transit”. Transit doesn’t even get its own Bureau at “WISDOT”. State Highways gets its own Bureau. Airports gets its own Bureau. Transit is thrown in a catch-all Bureau along with Local Roads, Railroads, Harbors and the Kitchen Sink. The word “Transportation” was never more than a marketing euphemism for “Roads”. It SHOULD be called “Wisconsin Department of Roads”.


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