WMC Message: Support Walker

Here’s a flyer from today’s Wisconsin Manufacturing and Commerce meeting at Monona Terrace COMMUNITY and Convention Center, which is closed to the public today. (Another mistake by not demanding that the public have access whenever it is open. These things matter! I know, shhh, pesky, pesky Brenda. It matters now!)

They want to thank Scott Walker for his “product liability reform, lawsuit reforms, regulation relief, tax cuts and other changes.”

Message from WMC: (side one, side two Of course, its full color glossy, not black and white!)

Yes! I support cutting spending first to balance the budget!

As you’ve seen in recent days, the government worker unions have stormed the Capitol to stand in the way of Governor Scott Walker’s common sense reforms and spending cuts. Some lawmakers have even fled to Illinois to avoid the tough premium co-pays for health insurance, far below the national average. Governor Walker’s union reforms will help elected leaders cut spending so families can have tax relief. Wisconsin’s state budget has a $3.3 billion deficit. That’s $6,000 for every man, woman and child in the state. There are two ways to balance the books – raise taxes, or cut spending first.

At Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce – the state chamber of commerce – we think the first priority of Governor Scott Walker and the Legislature should be to cut spending first. Don’t you agree? The time has come for state government to shrink instead of your payroll, instead of your profits, instead of your family’s prosperity, and instead of the prosperity of your employees and your community. Fortunately, Governor Scott Walker has said he WILL NOT raise taxes to balance the budget.

AT WMC’s urging, Governor Walker and the Legislature have made significant progress at improving our business climate already. Governor Walker and the Legislature have approved tax deductions for health savings accounts, product liability reform, lawsuit reforms, regulation relief, tax cuts and other changes.

But, the public employee unions and their allies have stormed the Capitol. They don’t want reform. The businesses of Wisconsin – the real job creators – need to be heard. We will help you! Please, sign the petition! We will present all of the signatures of thousands of business executives to Governor Walker and the Legislature. We delivered of 10,000 signatures of business leaders to the Capitol in the last few years, and that has a huge impact!

The time is now! Sign today! Let’s send a message that is loud and clear: Cut spending first!

By the way, Walker was supposed to speak this afternoon, but because of the protests, they switched the schedule and he spoke this morning. There was a picket at noon, AFSCME marched there at 2 and were blocked. More protesters coming back at 4:00. Rally at 4:30.


  1. Are you going to correct this release?

    You state: “Wisconsin’s state budget has a $3.3 billion deficit. That’s $6,000 for every man, woman and child in the state.”

    3.3 billion divided by 5.6 million people is actually less than 600 dollars.

  2. “Wisconsin’s state budget has a $3.3 billion deficit. That’s $6,000 for every man, woman and child in the state.”

    According to these accounting wizards there are 550,000 residents in WI.

    I’m guessing that the correct math would mean a $3.3B debt would equal $600 “for every man, woman and child in the state.”.

    Of course, since they have proved they are bad at basic math, and the errors seem to go there way, now we’re suspicious about that $3.3B number, too.

  3. Really, only $600 apiece? Why can’t we do what they did in the 1980s–temporarily raise the state income tax for two or three years? It worked then, why can’t it work now? I think it is somewhat progressive, so those with more income would pay more. Oh, wait, that solution would not require union busting.

  4. Hey Brenda: Nothing to do with your blog, but why does Forward Lookout have a popup to support Governor Walker? It is an ad by Americansforprosperity.org

    Can’t this website control its advertising????

    Sort of embarassing.


  5. “sort of embarassing”???

    nah, I think it’s funny MPMay….that Newsmax would help pay for an opposing position website, its not like they are preaching to the choir on this site eh?

    embarrasing? Right now in the eyes of our Nation looking towards our new State leadership and the direction our state is now headed….Wisconsin


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