WTF . . . oh I’m not done . . . Part III

Ok, back to the city-county building and something the supes and alders I talked to knew nothing about . . .


Next time you walk in the doors of the city-county building, look up.

There are three at the Martin Luther King Entrance

Two at the Wilson St. entrance

Two more inside the Carroll St. entrance

One outside the police department

And who knows where else they are . . . but you’ve been warned

So, here’s the questions I have on this one – sent as an open records request to staff.
1. Can you provide me with any policies related to how the surveillance cameras/footage of the cameras in the CCB are going to be used.
2. When did they go up?
3. What did they cost, including installation?
4. Who paid for them? Out of which budget line?

And of course, why didn’t the City-County Liaison Committee approve these signs and cameras and the policies about the use of the cameras.

What is going on here? I’m not used to staff just taking off on their own and not having more political sense. Is this the police department gone wild? County staff? City staff? I do consider this unusual.

And of course, I don’t think I need to say this but . . . is this to intimidate the homeless people from being in the building? Last night, when I left after 1am, I counted 16 homeless people sleeping outside the building.

Also, as a complete aside . . . the first two alders I talked to had the same response . . . how do they have money for cameras when they can’t even fix the microphones?!


  1. They don’t write policies regarding the use of security cameras. When the PU installed them in all of the ramps I asked them to write s policy stating they wouldn’t use them to discipline employees and was told basically to get bent.


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