Give your input on . . . street vending, Oscar Mayer and Imagine Madison (city comprehensive planning) . . . plus Tenant Resource Center’s Iron Chef ingredients for the March 31st event.
The City of Madison is hosting a community meeting and online survey to gather ideas and input to improve the City’s Street Vending Program. Madison’s nationally recognized street vending scene includes unique food carts, talented artists and craftspeople, outdoor merchant vending and vibrant sidewalk cafes. These activities are overseen by the City’s Vending Oversight Committee and managed by the Street Vending Coordinator, based within the City’s Office of Business Resources.
The City is looking for input to make street vending in Madison even better. The first way to provide input is to complete a brief online survey by following this link:
The next way to give input is to attend a community meeting that will take place on Thursday, February 23 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Central Library, 201 West Mifflin Street, in Room 301. This will be an engaging and interactive discussion covering a variety of topics including:
Art & craft vending
The review process to assign sites for food carts
Opportunities for sidewalk cafes and outdoor retail vending
Future ideas to improve street vending in MadisonThe input you provide through the survey and at the community meeting will help guide changes to the City’s policies and processes that support and regulate street vending in Madison.
The Organizing for Strategic Community Action and Representation (OSCAR) Group is interested in what you would like to see happen to the plant property.
Kraft Heinz will be drawing down operations at the facility in the coming months. While they are still actively working to find a buyer for the site, OSCAR wants to be sure that the community has input on what is ultimately developed there.
Please take a moment to answer our quick survey on what you’d like to see happen to the property once Kraft leaves. We’ll use your answers to help guide discussions for community meetings in the next few months.
Use the above links to access and complete the survey. Thanks in advance for your input!
The City of Madison is looking for your input on if your property is properly zoned:
We also still need chefs! Do you know anyone who wants to show off their culinary skills? Le me know ( Coconut and Kale are in the lead! Blueberries is close behind! Beer and Lemongrass also in the running!
Here’s the poll, it closes on Friday!