Zach Brandon is a WSJ Editorial Board Democrat

You know, the ones that endorsed Walker and Bush . . .

Wish I’d seen this earlier . . . Scott Milfred is rootin’ for Zach . . . expect some “fair and balanced” coverage from the editorial board . . . .


  1. Do you have better reasons than this to dislike Brandon? It’s hard to blame him for not speaking out against the guys who buy ink by the barrel.

  2. I support Scott McDonell 100%. I was only trying to get you to say something more substantive.

    (Also, I’ve been thinking about the problem of these conservatives who buy ink by the barrel.)

  3. Zach will not have my vote. All the years he was an alder I watched his arrogant attitude toward those alders
    who did not support his resolutions/budget amendments. He often would chastise them much like an adult talking to a child caught with hand in cookie jar. The longer he served on our Council the more arrogant and intolerant of others he became. We need a county executive who will respect
    everyone’s opinion and truly represent every Dane Co. citizen. NOT ZACH BRANDON!!

  4. For me the issue of this post is the WSJ Editorial Board (that’s not to say that I didn’t learn from the above 5 comments on Zach Brandon; I did! Thanks!) A Jason Sheperd Cover Story of The Isthmus on Ellen Foley said that Scott Milfred was hand picked by her and her motto was survival at all costs.

    The WSJ Board appears to want to be consequential and stay alive by aligning itself with certain powers that be. They now have Mayor Dave where they want him so I believe they will be endorsing him over Soglin.

    Mayor Dave is owned by the WSJ and also Neil Heinen who has adopted Ellen Foley after she resigned from the WSJ salivates over what the Mayor can do to make State Street into a one dimensional playground for those with money.

    Soglin is too blunt to be owned so I watch for the WSJ Board to endorse Mayor Dave, not because of truth or what he can do for the entire city or how he could make State Street into a place for all types of people as it has been in the past, but because Mayor Dave has become what they want him to be and it makes them feel consequential in a world that is going electronic.

    The board is a bunch of old patriarchs wanting to be consequential and they don’t realize that staying up on ideas and serving all people is the way to do it.

  5. 1. When did the State Journal opinion editor ever imply that he’s “fair and balanced?” The guy is paid to have (strong) opinions on things. They’ve made no secret of their love of moderates over there in recent years, which makes the support of Brandon a no-brainer.

    2. His tweet noted above is a statement fact, not opinion. Mistele and Hochkammer would both pull votes away from Brandon, as will Barry, so he’s only helped by them staying out of the race. Are you disputing that McD and Parisi are to the left of Zach? Wineke probably is, too, based on his embrace of labor and slight tweak of Zach’s jobs message in his announcement the other day.

  6. [Disclosure: I am seeking the District 13 Common Council seat in the Spring elections, as is Sue Ellingson. See:]

    I strongly disagree with Sue Ellingson’s statement that “It’s hard to blame him for not speaking out against the guys who buy ink by the barrel.”

    We need more people “speaking out against” the mainstream media, be it the State Journal or Fox News. The alternative is to allow them to set the terms of the debate and dominate the public sphere.

    This why blogs like this one, my own small contributions at,
    WORT, WYOU and other alternative media are so essential.

    It is here that stories ignored or given cursory attention are fully covered. It is here that views differing from and challenging the power structures are given voice. And it is here that the failings of “those who buy ink by the barrel” are detailed.

    So yes, I think those who stay silent rather than braving the consequences of “speaking out against the guys who buy ink by the barrel” deserve blame; speaking out is a necessary part of the solution.


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